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Modelwelt in English
Dance Songs 2
Yoga for Beginners
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Hey, komm zu mir nach Tsu, dem Social, das sich auszahlt!
Sagen Sie ihnen, dass @ hasenchat Sie gesendet hat.

Anfang und Funktionen

Tsū ähnelte Facebook in Funktionen und Benutzeroberfläche, unterschied sich jedoch von anderen Social-Media-Diensten durch die Aufteilung der Werbeeinnahmen. Die ursprüngliche Vergütungsstruktur „bestand darin, 10 Prozent der gesamten Werbeeinnahmen für sich zu behalten, während die Hälfte des Restes an Benutzer und die andere Hälfte an das Netzwerk ging, das den Ersteller von Inhalten auf die Plattform brachte.“

Die Inspiration für Tsū kam von der Geschichte von Ed O’Bannon, dem Hauptkläger in O’Bannon gegen NCAA, einer kartellrechtlichen Sammelklage gegen die National Collegiate Athletic Association. Der Fall betraf die Verwendung von Bildern ehemaliger studentischer Athleten durch den Verband für kommerzielle Zwecke, ohne diese Athleten zu entschädigen.

In den Monaten nach dem ersten Start wurde Tsū zu einem der am schnellsten wachsenden sozialen Netzwerke. In den ersten sechs Monaten seines öffentlichen Bestehens wurden 3,5 Millionen registrierte Benutzer erreicht und bis zum ersten Jahrestag 4,5 Millionen Benutzer registriert. Zum Vergleich: Facebook hat seinen einmillionsten Nutzer im 10. Monat nach dem Start registriert, und Twitter hat ungefähr 24 Monate gebraucht, um seinen einmillionsten Nutzer zu registrieren.
Ablehnen und herunterfahren

Im September 2015 blockierte Facebook Links zur Website und verwies auf Beschwerden, dass seine Nutzer Spam versendeten, um Mitglieder zu rekrutieren. Tsū und ein Großteil der digitalen Mediengemeinschaft spekulierten, dies sei aus Angst vor dem Wettbewerb motiviert. Für kurze Zeit blockierte Facebook auch Links zu Artikeln über die Website. Facebook veröffentlichte jedoch Erklärungen, dass es Tsū wegen Verstoßes gegen seine Plattformrichtlinie blockiert habe. Nachdem Facebook von Unternehmen und Führungskräften digitaler Medien, darunter auch von Pete Cashmore, CEO von Mashable, eine weit verbreitete Gegenreaktion erhalten hatte, hob Facebook das Verbot bis Dezember auf.

Die Explosion der Tsū-Mitgliedschaft hielt jedoch nicht an. Es wird spekuliert, dass dieser Rückgang darauf zurückzuführen ist, dass die Nutzereinnahmen nicht den Erwartungen entsprachen. Am Ende zitierte das Unternehmen 5,2 Millionen Mitglieder, obwohl externe Quellen Zweifel äußerten.

Im August 2016 wurde die Titelseite von Tsū durch eine Nachricht von Sobczak ersetzt, in der es heißt: „Unsere Mission, die soziale Landschaft zum Nutzen der Inhalte zu verändern, ist vorbei.“

Im September 2019 kündigte Tsū seinen Relaunch an. Die Plattform gab bekannt, dass sie bei tsu.social und nicht wie vor 2016 bei tsu.co gehostet werden würde. Laut CEO John Acunto würde der neue Tsū auch Werbeeinnahmen mit Nutzern teilen, jedoch unter einem nachhaltigeren Geschäftsmodell. Es würde eine 50% ige Auszahlung der Werbeeinnahmen teilen. Die neue Version von Tsū bietet außerdem Schutz vor Spam (was in der vorherigen Iteration von Tsū negativ bewertet wurde) und ermöglicht Benutzern den Zugriff auf Daten, Analysen und Erkenntnisse zu ihren Inhalten.

In einem Interview mit Fox Business (als Antwort auf die einstimmige Abstimmung des NCAA-Gouverneursrates vom 29. Oktober, wonach Studenten-Athleten für die Verwendung ihres Namens, ihres Images und ihrer Ähnlichkeit bezahlt werden sollen) zitierte Tiki Barber, ehemalige NY Giants, die zurückliefen, Tsū Als „großartige Plattform“, um die neuen NCAA-Regeln zu nutzen, fügt Tsū Influencern aller Art die Möglichkeit hinzu, ihre eigenen Inhalte und Marken zu monetarisieren. Barber fuhr fort, dass Tsū eine Plattform schafft, die allen Nutzern Zugang zu Markenpartnerschaften bietet, indem sie Werbeeinnahmen teilt, Schaufenster bereitstellt und vieles mehr. John Acunto, CEO von Tsu, wiederholte Barbers Meinung und sagte, dass College-Athleten nur ein Beispiel für diejenigen seien, die von Tsū profitieren könnten: „Ich sehe dies als Chance für alle Arten von Kategorien von Menschen, die Einfluss haben [und] Marken haben, sich mit uns zu beschäftigen . “
Neue Tsū-Funktionen

Die Hauptfunktionen sind für iOS- und Android-Geräte verfügbar und umfassen:

Profile – Ähnlich wie bei anderen Social-Media-Websites ermöglicht ein Tsū-Profil dem Benutzer, Fotos und Videos hochzuladen, Freunde zu finden, zu posten, eine Biografie zu erstellen und persönliche Websites zu bewerben. Außerdem können Benutzer ihre Profile auf anderen Social-Media-Websites bewerben.
Communitys – Communitys bieten Tsū-Benutzern die Möglichkeit, Ideen zu kommunizieren und auszutauschen sowie Veranstaltungen zu planen und zu fördern. Communities können öffentlich oder privat sein.
Bank – Mit der Tsū-Bank können Benutzer über Paypal ausgezahlt werden.
Analytics („Insights“) – In-App-Konsole, die dem Benutzer Post-Engagement-Daten bereitstellt. Zeigt Benutzern, welche Beiträge am besten abschneiden, und gibt ihnen Anreize, mehr Inhalte zu veröffentlichen, die ihrem Publikum gefallen.
Tsū Live – Tsū Live ist Tsus integrierter App-basierter Fernsehkanal, der mehrere tägliche Livestream-Komponenten enthält. Sowohl der Livestream als auch die aufgezeichneten Shows enthalten Lehrmaterial, Ankündigungen, Neuigkeiten und Aktualisierungen und stellen Tsū-Benutzerinhalte durch Rezensionen und Interviews in den Vordergrund und fördern sie.

Besuchen Sie mich bei Tsu, dem sozialen Netzwerk, das sich auszahlt!
Sagen Sie ihnen, dass @ hasenchat Sie gesendet hat.

Invitation To Join Tsū

Hey, come join me at Tsu, the social that pays!
Tell them @hasenchat sent you.

Beginning and features

Tsū was similar to Facebook in features and interface but differentiated itself from other social media services by sharing ad revenue. The original compensation structure „was to keep 10 percent of the total ad revenue for itself, while half the remainder went to users and the other half to the network that brought the content creator to the platform.“

The inspiration for Tsū came from the story of Ed O’Bannon, the lead plaintiff in O’Bannon v. NCAA, an antitrust class action lawsuit against the National Collegiate Athletic Association. The case concerned the association’s use of images of former student athletes for commercial purposes without compensating those athletes.

In the months after initial launch, Tsū became one of the fastest-growing social networks, achieving 3.5 million registered users in its first 6 months of public existence and registering 4.5 million users by its first anniversary. By comparison, Facebook registered its one-millionth user in month 10 after launch, and it took Twitter approximately 24 months to register its one-millionth user.
Decline and shutdown

In September 2015, Facebook blocked links to the website, citing complaints that its users were spamming to recruit members. Tsū and much of the digital media community speculated this was motivated by fear of competition. For a short period, Facebook also blocked links to articles about the website. However, Facebook released statements that it had blocked Tsū for violating its Platform Policy. After receiving widespread backlash from digital media companies and executives, including the likes of Mashable CEO Pete Cashmore, Facebook lifted the prohibition by December.

The Tsū membership explosion, however, did not last. It is speculated that this decline occurred because user earnings did not live up to expectations. At its end, the company cited 5.2 million members, though external sources expressed some doubt.

In August of 2016, Tsū’s front page was replaced with a message from Sobczak stating „our mission of changing the social landscape for the benefit of the content has passed.“

In September 2019, Tsū announced its relaunch. The platform reported that it would host at tsu.social rather than tsu.co as it was prior to 2016. According to CEO John Acunto, the new Tsū would also share ad revenue with users, but under a more sustainable business model; it would share a 50% payout of ad revenue. The new version of Tsū also added protections against spam (something that had been viewed negatively in the previous iteration of Tsū) and enables users to access data, analytics and insights related to their content.

In an interview with Fox Business (in response to the October 29th NCAA board of Governors unanimous vote to allow student-athletes to be paid for the use of their name, image and likeness), Tiki Barber, former NY Giants running back, cited Tsū as a “great platform” to put the new NCAA rules to use, adding that Tsū enables influencers of all kinds to have the ability to monetize their own content and brands. Barber went on to say that Tsū is creating a platform that gives all users access to brand partnership, by sharing in ad revenue, providing storefronts and more. Tsu’s CEO John Acunto echoed Barber’s sentiment saying that college athletes were just one example of those who could benefit from Tsū: „I see this as an opportunity for all kinds of categories of people who are influencers [and] who have brands to engage with us.“
New Tsū Features

Available for iOS and Android devices, main features include:

Profiles – similar to other social media sites, a Tsū “Profile” allows the user to upload photos and videos, friend/ follow, post, create a bio and promote personal websites. It also allows users to promote their profiles on other social media sites.
Communities – Communities are ways for Tsū users to communicate and exchange ideas and plan and promote events. Communities can be public or private.
Bank – the Tsū bank allows users to be paid out via Paypal.
Analytics (“Insights”) – In-app console that provides post engagement data to the user. Shows users what posts performed the best, incentivizing them to post more content that their audience enjoys.
Tsū Live – Tsū Live is Tsu’s built-in app-based television channel that includes several daily livestream components. Both the livestream and pre-recorded shows containing educational material, announcements, news and updates, and spotlight and promote Tsū user content through reviews and interviews.

Join me at Tsu, the social that pays!
Tell them @hasenchat sent you.

Udemy For Recurring Income

Since its launch in 2010 Udemy.com has become the go to place for people who want to acquire new skills through online video training.

There are now more than 30 million students from all over the world and over 100,000 courses available.

A lot of online marketers have tried to generate significant passive income through Udemy and have failed. This is because they made a number of mistakes that this guide will help you to avoid.

Everything that you need to be successful with Udemy is in this video course. If you follow the best practices offered then you will maximize your chances of success.

Topics covered:

Why Udemy?
How To Come Up With Profitable Udemy Course Ideas
Creating An Outline For Your Udemy Course
Getting Prepared To Record Your Udemy Videos
Creating Your Udemy Videos
Create A High Converting Landing Page
Pricing Your Udemy Course
Create A Pre-Launch Sales Funnel For Your Udemy Course
Launching Your Udemy Course And Further Promotion
Best Practices For Success With Udemy Courses


Get What You Want

You can get what you really want in your life if you know how to go about it in the right way.

This video guide will show you exactly how to do that.

Most people have no idea what they really want in their life and as a result they let life control them and end up being bitterly disappointed.

Having the right success mindset will do nothing for you if you do not have clarity over what it is you truly desire.

Everything that you need to know about getting what you really want is in this powerful guide.

The steps outlined in the guide require practice, patience and persistence.

Topics covered:

Do A Self-Audit
Prioritize Your List
Categorize Your Anxiety Challenges
Believe That You Can Overcome
The Future Begins With Me
Taking Hold Of The Past
Overcoming Exaggerated Memories
Practice Mindfulness
Practice Makes Perfect


How To Stop Worrying

There are a lot of people that idolize others and end up being overly dependent on them. They dedicate their lives to making these people happy and can only be happy themselves if they feel they have done enough.

In this situation the person being idolized has too much control of the other person.

Not all comparisons are bad as you will learn in this course. You can use comparisons to improve your life and you will learn exactly how to do this.

The aim of this video course is to move you away from negative comparisons and start using positive comparisons to make your life better.

Topics covered:

Why We Compare Ourselves To Others
The Dangers Of Comparing Yourself To Others
How To Make Healthy Comparisons
Small Steps For Big Changes
Love Yourself More And Stop Being Overly Dependent On Others
Boosting Your Self Esteem
Give Your Confidence A Real Boost
Advanced Tactics To Compare Yourself To Others In A Good Way
Comparing Yourself With Others Best Practices


Intermittent Fasting Formula

Your immune system helps defend your body against diseases and illnesses. If you have a weak immune system you can easily fall sick.

The only solution to get your life back on track and increase your well-being is by strengthening your immune system.

In this course you’re about to discover one of the simplest ways to improve your immunity in the most natural and safest ways possible.

This research-backed course will teach you everything you need to know to live a long and healthy life — What foods you need to eat, how your mental health affects your immune system, what to avoid in order to maintain a healthy well-being, and many other health-boosting tips.

Topics covered:

The Immunity Problem – An Overview
Nutrition For Your Immune System
Phytochemicals & Immunity
Antioxidants And Immune Health
Polysaccharides – Improving Your Well-Being
Plant Foods And Their Cancer Fighting Properties
Omega 3 Helps To Fight Disease
Prebiotics And Your Immunity
Probiotics And The Gut
Top 10 Immunity Boosting Foods To Add To Your Diet


Launch Your Online Course

Knowing the best online tools and marketing techniques are the keys to creating a financially successful online course.

Launching an online course does not have to be difficult. With the help of this guide, you will learn key aspects of a successful online course launch.

You will learn beginner-friendly tools and tips, gain key insights on course design, creation, editing, and launching.

Topics covered:

3 Best Ways to Record and Publish Your Online Course
3 Things to Avoid When Launching an Online Course
5 Things You Should Know Before Launching Your Online Course
6-Step Pre-Launch Course Checklist
7 Steps to Create and launch Your Online Course
How to Choose the Best Course Content
How to Make Money with Your Online Course
Top 3 Best Ways to Market Your Online Course
Top 5 Best Tips for Launching Your Online Course
Top 5 Best Tools for Creating an Online Course


Meditation For Busy People

Meditation has several positive benefits on your physical and mental health, one of which being stress-relief.

In fact, meditation is one of the most effective ways to relieve and manage stress.

Unfortunately, many people believe they’re too busy to meditate, causing them to forgo meditation, its numerous benefits, and stress-relieving abilities.

Prioritizing your meditation is key to finding a way to fit meditation into your busy schedule.

With this course, you will gain key insights on meditation, learn about the health benefits of meditation, and learn how to incorporate meditation into your busy schedule.

Topics covered:

3 Stress Relievers You Need to Learn Today
5 Myths About Meditation
5 Things To Help You Meditate
4 Ways You Can Master Meditation
6 Mistakes You Make That Stop You From Meditating
8 Tips to Meditate More
8 Ways to Meditate for Busy People
How You Can Develop Your Meditation Skills
The One Secret to be Stress-Free
Top 4 Skills You Need to Master to Relieve Stress


Peak Productivity

Whether at home or at work, tripling your productivity offers a host of advantages.

When you’re more productive, every area of your life can benefit.

Tripling your productivity can eliminate this anxiety and stress. As a result, not only will you achieve more, you’ll also enjoy better mental health.

This video course reveals all the proven strategies and tactics to uplevel your productivity.

You will discover how to train your mind to be ultra-productive, time management secrets, how to create an environment that ‚forces‘ you to be productive, the power of delegation, outsourcing, and powerful tools to get things done… and much more!

Topics covered:

Creating the Right Environment for Productivity
Developing a Productive Mindset
Time Management Strategies – The Key to a Productive Day
Declutter Your Life
Healthy Routines for Greater Productivity
Recognize What’s Important
Delegate, Outsource and Utilize Tools
Increasing Productivity at Home


Social Media Automation

To survive in business, you must appear everywhere your customers are. This includes the major social media platforms.

The more presence you have, the more extensive your network of people will be; the more comprehensive your network is, the more people will know about your latest offers and be more engaged in your business.

Managing the business and keeping multiple social media sites up-to-date can be a handful.

What ends up happening is some of your social media accounts are active while some aren’t.

In the specific video series you will learn how to automate your social media presence.

Topics covered:

Social Media Platforms
Which Platform is Best?
Customize Your Gameplan
Map it out
Automation Apps
Free Automation


Social Messaging Apps

With this video course you will learn how to use social media and social messaging apps together as a powerful marketing strategy.

The point of social messaging apps is not to try and get a large quantity of new customers. Rather, it is about building the quality of your existing leads. And it’s about conversions.

With this course you will learn how to include social messaging platforms in your marketing strategy and generate more leads from social messaging platforms.

Topics covered:

The Power of Social Messaging Apps
Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp – The Big Ones
SMS and Other Messaging Platforms
What is Conversational Commerce?
Messaging Apps for Sales
Building an App
Collecting and Managing Contact Details
Best Practices for Building Relationships and Making Sales
Internal Uses, Providing Services, and More!


Twitter Traffic Secrets

Twitter is one of the fastest-growing Social Media platforms! It enables you to generate a following of targeted prospects that can easily result in leads.

Most business owners go out on Twitter, and start finding hashtags to bank on and advertise their products. However, think just like any marketing technique, you need to pre-sell your prospects and gain their trust first.

With this video course you will learn how to turn your Twitter account into a lead generation machine.

Topics covered:

What NOT to do
Research Research Research
Content is Key
Authority Giveaway Boost


Social Media 2

Instagram Online Coaching Kurs

37 Social Media Hacks

Google Search Ads

Der Instagram, Influencer Erfolgskurs

Socialmedia Club


SociPOWER – Power Up Your Leads

Instagram Grafik Set

IG Anleitung

FB AD Traffic – Werbung mit Facebook Anzeigen

10000 Instagram Abonnenten in 2 Wochen

Die 7 wichtigsten Erfolgshebel im Messenger-Marketing

Social Media Account Strategie

Der Instagram-Kompass

Dein Erfolgs-Verkauf

Growth Master

Program Academy – Encoding Instagram

Der Facebook Ads Erfolgskurs

Instagram Anfänger Kurs

Facebook- Kurs Live am Pc – Der 3 Schritte-Kurs

Der ultimative Instagram Guide

Instagram – Videokurs für Neueinsteiger und Profis

TRAFFIC GENERIEREN (kostenpflichtig- PPC)

20+ Facebook Tricks für Deinen Erfolg

Held im Job – Internet-Plattform 1-50 Mitarbeiter

Erfolg mit Pinterest


Insta Engagement Boost

[NEU] Insta Nischen System

Online-Ausbildung zum Influencer

TikTok Marketing (deutsch)

Der 100K Beitrag – Instagram Videokurs

Social Media Coaching für lokale Unternehmen! – Marvya

Social Media BASICS

Instagram Durchstarter-Kit 2.0

Reichweite auf Instagram – Online-Video Kurs

Instagram Tipps und Tricks by SocialMediaKing

Geld verdienen mit Facebook: 100 Facebook Tipps

Videos, für Dein Geschäft, die überzeugen

Instagram Booster – werde ein Instagram Rockstar

Social Media Intensiv-Workshop

Das Influencer EBook

Insta-Boom automatische Reichweite auf Instagram

Facebook Online Marketing Mentoring

Der Besuchergenerator

So starten Sie einfach und schnell mit AR

Werde Meme Profi

Social Media Moneyexpert

TrafficNeukundenGenerator2.0 mit Facebook Ads

Affiliate24 Erfolgscoaching

Der Facebook Fanpage Videokurs

Instagram für Unternehmen

AD-Academy SO BEWERBEN PROFIS AUF Facebook Instagram

Social Media

GRAMSTAR | Die Instagram-Business Community

Die 10.000€ Formel

YouTube Cash Nischen

Simple Boost

Social Media Business – Follower aufbauen und Geld verdienen

Instagram Funnel System – Branding + Affiliate mit Instagram

BotRun Pro

Auto-Marketer Pro

QickAds – FB Ads Interessen Targeting Tool

Social Explosion

Explosion Community

Sociseller Coaching

Coaching | Instagram – Business – Online Geld verdienen

Socicode – In 4 Wochen zu 1.000 Followern

Creative-Feed Designer 2.0

Cross Traffic Power Strategie

Social Media Masterguide – Mit Instagram Geld verdienen

TikTok Marketing – Social Media Marketing

Social Poster – Social Media Marketing automatisieren

Die Instagram Insights

Instagram Raketenstart I Follower – Reichweite

Tikfluencer Masterclass – Geld verdienen mit TikTok

Sociteam Engagement-Gruppe (Software)

Janaina’s Club

Social Media Boost

Linkedin Marketing Videokurs – Social Media Marketing

Twitter Marketing Videokurs – Social Media Marketing

Instagram eBook verschenken um Instagram Kurs zu promoten

Rampensau – Vom Nobody zum Promi (Geschenkt)

Der Social Media Premium Jahresplaner



Social Media Video Manager

Pinterest Secrets – Das Buch für explosive Impressionen

Dein Erfolgs-Affiliate Kurs

Instagram Mastermind

Instagram Business

Instagram Academy

Der neue Xing-Marketing-Code

Marketing Drift + BONUS

Post Design Workflow Kurs

Das große Social Media Kalender und Planer Set

Das Instagram Profit System

Instagram für „Hundebesitzer“

Socialmedia Traffic

[NEU] Instagram Maximumstrategie | Micro-Influencer Business

Social Media – Einfach selber machen (Starter Paket)

Instagram Academy

INSTAGRAM HASHTAGS I Wachstums-Booster Bundle

Modern Podcasting


Modern Podcasting (1) 01:29


Modern Podcasting (2) 05:43


Modern Podcasting (3) 05:14


Modern Podcasting (4) 03:36


Modern Podcasting (5) 06:57


Modern Podcasting (6) 06:02


Modern Podcasting (7) 04:45


Modern Podcasting (8) 06:52


Modern Podcasting (9) 03:28


Modern Podcasting (10) 05:04


Modern Podcasting (11) 02:32


Modern Podcasting (12) 01:12

In this video course you will learn step by step about creating a successful podcast. You will learn how to create high quality and high value podcasts that listeners crave and how you can get the word out to your target audience.

Planning your podcasts is a very important step in the process and many marketers make the mistake of trying to wing it.

There are many ways that you can monetize your podcasts and earn a significant income from them every month

With this video guide you will learn to create really successful podcasts and provide your listeners with the content that they want and they will be hungry for more.

Topics covered:

Why Podcasting
Choosing The Right Niche For Podcasting
Planning For Great Podcasts
The Equipment You Need For Podcasting
Planning Great Podcast
How to Record Professional Podcasts
Podcast Hosting And Distribution
How To Promote Offers Through Podcasts
Monetizing Your Podcasts


Marketing Influencer Guide


Influencer Guide (1) 02:20


Influencer Guide (2) 05:48


Influencer Guide (3) 10:31


Influencer Guide (4) 07:15


Influencer Guide (5) 12:53


Influencer Guide (6) 10:19


Influencer Guide (7) 10:24


Influencer Guide (8) 08:50


Influencer Guide (9) 11:29


Influencer Guide (10) 07:16


Influencer Guide (11) 02:48

Influencer marketing is a new digital marketing strategy that consists of achieving a series of collaborative links between brands and companies and those people with high visibility and prominence on the Internet, known as ‚influencers.‘

Becoming an influencer or being considered an influencer is not only about having many followers. It is about having your opinion followed and considered by a particular audience. And at the same time, this implies a lot of hard work that involves a lot of learning, perseverance, and dedication.

Brands love social media influencers because they encourage their followers to buy products they promote.

2020 will be the best year for influencers.

Here is what you’ll learn in this step by step guide:

How Influencers Generate Their Income
​How To Go Viral On TikTok
​How To Use Hashtags & Challenges The Right Way On TikTok
​TikTok Analytics – The Best Tool For An Influencer
What’s The Most Important Things When Selecting Your Niche
How To Use Captions And Hashtags Like A Pro On Instagram
​How To Use Analyze Your Audience And Create…


Instagram Ads Success


Instagram Ads Success (1) 01:25


Instagram Ads Success (2) 06:27


Instagram Ads Success (3) 04:05


Instagram Ads Success (4) 03:27


Instagram Ads Success (5) 05:54


Instagram Ads Success (6) 04:20


Instagram Ads Success (7) 08:46


Instagram Ads Success (8) 07:45


Instagram Ads Success (9) 06:12


Instagram Ads Success (10) 04:48


Instagram Ads Success (11) 01:16

Many online marketers know about the power of Instagram and that it can be used to reach their target audience.

But they don’t go about this in the right way and then end up claiming that advertising on Instagram doesn’t work.

It does work – you just need to know what you are doing.

In this video course you will learn step by step how to create successful Instagram Ads

Course will show you how to identify your target audience correctly and explain how you can choose the right type of Instagram Ad to connect with them in the best way.

Topics covered:

Why Instagram Ads?
What are Instagram Ads?
Setting Goals and the Best Instagram Ad Format for your Business
Identifying your Target Audience
Content and Budget
Creating Instagram Ad Campaigns
Measuring the Performance of your Instagram Account
Great Tools for Your Instagram Ads
Best Practices for Successful Instagram Ads


Immune Food Solutions


Immune Food Solutions (1) 01:24


Immune Food Solutions (2) 06:17


Immune Food Solutions (3) 06:01


Immune Food Solutions (4) 03:23


Immune Food Solutions (5) 05:16


Immune Food Solutions (6) 04:23


Immune Food Solutions (7) 04:04


Immune Food Solutions (8) 02:54


Immune Food Solutions (9) 12:59


Immune Food Solutions (10) 05:26


Immune Food Solutions (11) 05:28


Immune Food Solutions (12) 03:50

Your immune system helps defend your body against diseases and illnesses. If you have a weak immune system you can easily fall sick.

The only solution to get your life back on track and increase your well-being is by strengthening your immune system.

In this course you’re about to discover one of the simplest ways to improve your immunity in the most natural and safest ways possible.

This research-backed course will teach you everything you need to know to live a long and healthy life — What foods you need to eat, how your mental health affects your immune system, what to avoid in order to maintain a healthy well-being, and many other health-boosting tips.

Topics covered:

The Immunity Problem – An Overview
Nutrition For Your Immune System
Phytochemicals & Immunity
Antioxidants And Immune Health
Polysaccharides – Improving Your Well-Being
Plant Foods And Their Cancer Fighting Properties
Omega 3 Helps To Fight Disease
Prebiotics And Your Immunity
Probiotics And The Gut
Top 10 Immunity Boosting Foods To Add To Your Diet


Choose To Lead


3 Leadership Skills You Need to Learn Today 03:55


4 Ways You Can Be a Leader to Others 03:48


5 Steps to Lead the Life You 04:09


5 Ways to Lead Without a Leadership Role 03:56


6 Mistakes You Make That Are Barriers to Your Leadership Skills 03:58


8 Things That Great Leaders Do 04:16


8 Tips to Become an Inspiring Leader 04:01


10 Skills You Need to Master Your Life 04:24


How You Can Develop Your Leadership Skills 04:25


The One Secret to Be the Leader of an Amazing Life 03:40

Leaders know their goals and do small things every day to reach their goal.

But it’s not always about them, and they help others to move forward in their projects, to remove their doubts so that they can take action.

Being a leader is, above all, a state of mind. Mastering one’s strengths and weaknesses to make them pillars of your daily actions and to inspire others. Accept yourself and accept all life challenges around you.

With this video course you will learn about leadership, how it can improve your life, but also, you will practice techniques and obtain abilities you need to become a better leader.

Topics covered:

3 Leadership Skills You Need to Learn Today
4 Ways You Can Be a Leader to Others
5 Steps to Lead the Life You’ve Always Wanted
5 Ways to Lead Without a Leadership Role
6 Mistakes You Make That Are Barriers to Your Leadership Skills
8 Things That Great Leaders Do
8 Tips to Become an Inspiring Leader
10 Skills You Need to Master Your Life
How You Can Develop Your Leadership Skills
The One Secret to Be the Leader of an Amazing Life


Breaking Bad Habits


Breaking Bad Habits (1) 01:41


Breaking Bad Habits (2) 05:33


Breaking Bad Habits (3) 04:09


Breaking Bad Habits (4) 04:06


Breaking Bad Habits (5) 06:59


Breaking Bad Habits (6) 04:04


Breaking Bad Habits (7) 03:05


Breaking Bad Habits (8) 06:17


Breaking Bad Habits (9) 03:17


Breaking Bad Habits (10) 03:53


Breaking Bad Habits (11) 04:57


Breaking Bad Habits (12) 00:47

With this video course you will be able to break those bad habits which are not supporting the life that you want and form new habits that will empower you to make a positive change.

It is not going to be an easy journey as breaking habits you have had for a long time is going to be tough. Forming new habits is challenging as well.

You will learn how habits work and how they are formed.

Topics covered:

Why You Need To Break Bad Habits
Identifying Your Bad (And Good) Habits
How Habits Actually Work
Habit Formation And Breaking Bad Habits
Forming New Habits Using The 3 R’s
Change Your Life For The Better With The Power Of Habits
Planning Your Successful Habit Transition
New Habit Reinforcement
Empowering Habits You Should Live By
Best Practices


Boost Your Online Sales


5 Copywriting Tips to Convert More Visitors Into Customers 03:40


5 Easy Upgrades You Can Offer Customers to Maximize Your Profits 03:30


5 Ways to Boost Sales Using Instagram Stories 03:17


6 Tweaks You Can Make to Your Site to Boost Sales 03:15


Content is King 03:26


How to Get People to Talk About Your Product 03:21


How to Overcome the Fear of Selling 03:17


How To Use Giveaways To Boost Your Online Sales 03:18


How to Use Webinars to Boost Online Sales 03:19


Online Sales Success 03:50

The web makes it possible to connect with a gigantic audience of billions of people and to provide them with all kinds of products in an entirely automated matter.

If you can create or find a great product and then share it with the right people, you can generate a massive profit while you sleep.

There are people out there who are genuinely making hundreds of thousands of dollars every month from this kind of strategy.

With this 10-part video course you will discover how to boost your own product sales and build your audience.

Topics covered:

5 Copywriting Tips to Convert More Visitors Into Customers
5 Easy Upgrades You Can Offer Customers to Maximize Your Profits
5 Ways to Boost Sales Using Instagram Stories
6 Tweaks You Can Make to Your Site to Boost Sales
Content is King
How to Get People to Talk About Your Product
How to Overcome the Fear of Selling
How To Use Giveaways To Boost Your Online Sales
How to Use Webinars to Boost Online Sales
Online Sales Success


Marketing Strategies Online and Offline


From The Foundation Up – Part 01 33:16


From The Foundation Up – Part 02 33:24


Sales Strategies 47:24


How to run Sucessfull 35:46


Seo Essentials 39:35


Speaking 52:40


Internet Guru Training (1) 38:41


Internet Guru Training (2) 33:45


Internet Guru Training (3) 25:43


Internet Guru Training (4) 39:13

Streaming + Download
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.


Niche Marketing Guide


Niche Marketing Guide (1) 01:38


Niche Marketing Guide (2) 05:18


Niche Marketing Guide (3) 08:15


Niche Marketing Guide (4) 10:02


Niche Marketing Guide (5) 12:53


Niche Marketing Guide (6) 04:36


Niche Marketing Guide (7) 05:25


Niche Marketing Guide (8) 02:30


Niche Marketing Guide (9) 02:18


Niche Marketing Guide (10) 01:50

Online niche marketing is not new.

It has been going on for several years but only a small percentage of online marketers that try it are successful.

While we cannot be specific about why exactly people fail, it is safe to say that mistakes are being made which are leading to niche website owners to give up.

You may see people in the Internet marketing space claim that it is no longer possible to make a good profit from niche marketing

This is not true.

Not all niches are saturated, in fact this is really an impossible thing to happen.

With this guide you will:

learn to choose a profitable niche and set it up correctly
learn how to earn large amounts of money with niche websites
see how life is full of rewards
be able to build a large following on social media and many regular visitors to your website who have a strong interest in your niche
provide yourself with the maximum chance of success
be perceived as an expert in your niche

WordPress Affiliate System


WordPress Affiliate System (1) 03:34


WordPress Affiliate System (2) 17:22


WordPress Affiliate System (3) 12:04


WordPress Affiliate System (4) 09:49


WordPress Affiliate System (5) 08:03


WordPress Affiliate System (6) 08:29


WordPress Affiliate System (7) 10:50

This video course will show you how to set up an affiliate program for your WordPress website even if you don’t have a good technical knowledge.

You will learn what tools you will need to get the ball rolling on setting up your affiliate system, a quick overview of the entire system so that you can put the pieces of the puzzle together, and how this system works.

Topics covered:

Affiliate Program Planning
Map Out Your Affiliate Funnel
Affiliate Plugins
Add on Plugins
Setup Part 1
Setup Part 2
